Friday, December 7, 2012

Liebster Blog Award!

Thank you so much to McKenna from Chic Crafting who nominated my blog with the Liebster Award.

The intention behind the Award is to support and showcase blogs with less than 200 followers that you enjoy reading.  In accepting the Liebster Blog Award you agree to:

  1. Thank the person who gave you the award. 
  2. Link back to their blog.
  3. Copy and paste the Liebster award to your profile.
  4. Pick 5 blogs that you feel deserve to be in the spotlight (They must have under 200 followers).
  5. Blog about it and leave a comment for your nominations to let them know that you have chosen their blog.

It is very hard for me to select just 5 blogs, because there are so many really good blogs out there. But here goes:
  1. Joyce's Love of Life - by Joyce Clark Frank 
  2. The Happy Stitcher - by Deb 
  3. Lost in Stitches - by Sarah
  4. Betsy's Best...Quilts and More - Betsy designs quilts and fabrics!
  5. Quilting Bear Gal - by Donna K. (She's into the same modern quilts that I like)
I'm sure everyone is busy with the holidays so if I don't get to post again before Christmas, I wish everyone a  very Merry Christmas.  May you and your family have a blessed and safe holiday.

Note:  If you are using LiveJournal you may have problems leaving comments.



Joyce Clark Frank said...

This is a fun award. I have had it before be there are a lot of new blogs that need to be listed now.
Thanks Brenda for the award.

Lulu said...

Hello and congratulations! I found your blog through chic crafting. I enjoy following your progress! I am a newbie blogger too at


tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Congratulações!!!Sou seguidora nova,gfc 18,volto depois.

Unknown said...

Welcome to Lulu and Tubilinha! I'm so glad you my blog. Thank you both for your comments.